QMPAS is in Beta.

Once we're ready to open things up, we'll publish our pricing plans here. We believe in clear and transparent pricing!

Community Plan

Social Enterprise, NGOs.

Supporting people working to build a better world. Costs support maintenance.

All QMPAS features

Your brand & segregated data

Pre Revenue Startups

Registered Orgs.

Social Enterprise Policy

Contact Us
Business Team

Small Business Teams

For small businesses and teams managing a portfolio of business and investment projects.

All QMPAS features

Your brand & segregated data

Custom Integrations

10 Seats (+ per added)

+ per added business

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+ Consultancies & Government

White label for enterprise teams, government agencies, and consultancies.

All QMPAS features

Your brand & segregated data

Unlimited Users & Orgs

Custom Integrations

Custom Components

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Use Cases

QMPAS can help you explore, expand and aggregate ideas. Prioritize and measure anything. Create and grow a business, or portfolio of businesses. With it's built-in template and workflow builder, the possibilities are endess.

Idea Workshop

Individual / Entrepreneur

Design Your Ideas

Engage others to expand & validate

Find potential team members


Create or import lists/data

Use / Customize scoring models

AI & Collective Intelligence

Visualize Results

Meetings & Workshops

streamlines the entire process

Pre/Post Virtual Engagements

Distributed thinking supported by AI

Significant reduction in wasted time and resources


Employee/Stakeholder Engagement

Pre Designed processes & content

Custom process builder

Guided & automated process

Business Design

Design any type of data-driven document

Strategies, Business models, etc

Streamlines design from concept to execution

Visual & Interactive Results

Innovation Pipeline

Intake, organize and prioritize ideas

Turn ideas into actionable insights

Foster a culture of continuous innovation

Weekly, monthly, quarterly & annual cyles

Consulting Automation

White Label

All QMPAS features to your clients

Build your own products & content

Automate many management/consulting functions

Your Business Is A System

Understanding how the pieces affect each other is the key to successful growth and change.

Business as a system: Many small parts coming together to create a whole picture.